Monday, September 20, 2010

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one stupid idea, a grad student, and too much free time.

I hope those of you who I've tricked into reading this can get the gist of what this blog will be recording from the title I've selected. For some inexplicable reason, I have this thing for titles that tell the audience exactly what they're in for. Snakes on a Plane for example. Or Piranhas 3D. Or Hot Tub Time Machine. I know, all classic pieces of American cinema, and the quality of this blog will most likely be reflected by these footsteps in which I am intending to follow. Self-deprecation aside, I chose "crawl" not because it was a mode of locomotion that alliterated with creativity, but because that's how I see the journey. They say to truly produce a genuinely brilliant creative idea, you need at least 10 years of experience in that field. Well, day 1, let's do it to it. However, to get things started, I think there are a few pertinent questions that I should answer to kind of give an idea of how this came about and what my mission is exactly.

What motivated this quest? I'm currently taking a class called Creative Thinking and Leading the Creative Organization. Day one hits, and the first thing we learn is that even though we're programmed to believe there's some creativity gene that we're all just, shazam, born with, it's not true. In fact, most scientific evidence shows that there are certain practices a person can regularly engage in to become more creative. And thusly, I want to dabble in these activities in the hopes that I become a more creative person.

So why a blog? I recognize on a daily basis I subject way too many people to my thoughts and opinions without even intending to (seriously friends, I know my voice carries at this point. I just go with it, so should you. Stop pointing it out.) It's not about readers, it's about having a way to hold myself accountable. If I'm going to do a blog, I don't want to half-ass it, and as a result I'm actually going to get out and do these things so I have stuff to write about. If I start slacking, I'll definitely get the feeling of someone haunting me with a constant glare of disapproval. I know it's weird, but it works for me. Also that person I imagine haunting me will most likely be Ronald Reagan.

Are you doing this for school? Actually, no. It's not required for the class, and honestly I don't really intend on telling my professor about my little side project until the end of the course...or at all depending on how much progress I make on it. But as some of you clever and literate people might have figured out from the title, I am doing this for entirely self-serving reasons. I firmly believe that creative thinkers make the best business people. I want to go into business, kick ass and take names, and in the end make lots of Benjamins along the way. Oh, plus creative people are inherently more interesting, and let's face it, anything I can do to up the amount of attention I get in the future is definitely a priority.

So what next? Well my next two blog entries are going to be slightly less (I guess?) interesting. I need to whip one up to talk about what these creativity enhancing activities are, how I'm going to implement them, and what I'll be posting here. The next one will kind of talk about my baseline (where I'm at now) and if there are any metrics for success I can use.

Consider this my Julie & Julia. My little project that I'm taking up because I have way too much time. Here's hoping for a book deal. I'm pretty sure a movie deal is out of the question, until I get a sexy love interest *hint*. Anyways, if you've made it this far, as much as I want to use this to record, I also promise to try to be funny, entertaining, and even a little bit informative (I'm sure I might even break some copyright or IP laws along the way in trying to do so). And maybe, just maybe, my contributions to the Internet can go beyond those few messages I managed to get posted on

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